Destination Plymouth | US Connections

Destination Plymouth commissioned me to rewrite existing copy and write from scratch a series of themed guides for the travel trade. US Connections, a DEF project, involved developing newly packaged tourism products around identified and tested themes to drive growth in the US inbound market to England; the product was designed to appeal to groups and FITs from North America and the UK.

My role was to tie the available product from 13 DMOs into a series of themed itineraries that highlight the cultural and historical links between England and the USA (and Canada).

The themes are United Allies (World War II), Old Stories of the New World (migration), Origins of Faith (faith and religion), Ancestral Services (ancestral tourism) and Canadian Connections (targeting Canadian visitors). I also worked on the Trade Directory copy (not listings).

Within each theme, I wove a story highlighting each destination’s connections to the theme, backed it up with relevant product and interviews and tied it all together in the introductory pages. We also included information to help members of the international travel trade improve their understanding of the locations involved and know where to go to find out more.


The Access Group | Whitepaper


Charlie Smith Design | Brochure